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samuel johnson造句

"samuel johnson"是什么意思  
  • If you are solitary , be not idle . - - - samuel johnson
  • I would not coddle the child ( samuel johnson
    我不愿意溺爱这个孩子(塞缪尔?杰克逊) 。
  • “ language is the dress of thought ” ( samuel johnson )
    “语言是思想的外衣” (萨缪尔?约翰逊) 。
  • Why , he is dr . samuel johnson , the most famous man in england
  • He commented often on the citations in samuel johnson ' s dictionary
  • “ many a man thinks , what he is ashamed to avow ” ( samuel johnson )
    “很多人都考虑过那些他们羞于说出来的事” (萨谬尔?约翰逊) 。
  • In his epigram samuel johnson called remarriage a triumph of hope over experience
  • “ i will be conquered ; i will not capitulate [ to illness ] ” ( samuel johnson )
    “我将被征服;我不会屈服”于疾病” (塞缪尔?约翰逊) 。
  • “ those that are not favored will think themselves injured ” ( samuel johnson )
    “那些没有得到利益的人仍会认为自己受到了亏待” (塞缪尔?约翰逊) 。
  • Commonly , though not always , we exhort to good actions , we instigate to ill ( samuel johnson
    通常,尽管并不总是,我们规劝人们做好事,又怂勇人们做坏事(萨缪尔?约翰逊) 。
  • It's difficult to see samuel johnson in a sentence. 用samuel johnson造句挺难的
  • Hope is itself a species of happiness which this world affords . samuel johnson . british writer
    希望本身是一种幸福,也许是这个世界能提供的主要的幸福。英国作家约翰逊. s
  • Samuel johnson wrote , " almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those who we cannot resemble .
    赛缪尔?约翰森(英国著名作家) :几乎所有荒谬的行为均源自于东施效蹙
  • “ human life is everywhere a state in which much is to be endured and little to be enjoyed ” ( samuel johnson )
    “无论在何处,人类生活总是忍受的苦难多,享受的欢乐少” (塞缪尔?约翰逊) 。
  • “ it is a man ' s own fault , it is from want of use , if his mind grows torpid in old age ” ( samuel johnson )
    “一个人老的时候如果因为很少使用头脑而使它变得麻木,那是他自己的过错” (萨缪尔?约翰逊) 。
  • “ resolve not to be poor : whatever you have , spend less . poverty is a great enemy to human happiness ” ( samuel johnson )
    “决心不做穷人:无论你有多少钱,都要再少花些钱。贫穷是人类幸福的大敌” (塞缪尔?约翰逊) 。
  • Baghdad burning , by a 26 - year - old author who has won an international readership under the pen name riverbend , is longlisted for the ? 30 , 000 samuel johnson award
  • People are to interview the residents of the village where the mssing businessman , samuel johnson , lived . this will mean interviewing up to 4000 people
  • Oxford was not a very distinguished university in the eighteenth century , but samuel johnson greatly regretted that his time there had been so short , and that he had no degree
  • Samuel johnson said in different ear about ladies preaching , the surprising thing about computers is not that they think less well than a man , but that they think at all
  • The eighteenth century was not a very distinguished period for that university , but samuel johnson regretted that his time there had been so short , and that he had no degree
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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